Style Icon Prepares for Next Year's Oscars

It's been a week and a half since my last post as a newly-minted Style Icon:  not a particularly auspicious start to my 15-year sprint to the cover of Vogue!  I know that all 15 members of my faithful following have been waiting patiently for me to answer two critical questions:

First things first. It has indeed been more than seven days since CEO entered my life.  

In the last 10 days, I have remembered to use it three times (which is somewhat shy of the twice daily application recommended on the package). But I kind of like it!  It makes my face tingle and smell like an orange.   As to visible results:  I still apparently have two eyes, a nose and a mouth; none have relocated, or changed size. So far, so good.       

Now for the shocker:  I was not actually invited to this year's Oscars, an obvious oversight on the part of the Academy.  Instead, I went out for a delightful dinner date with my husband, the lovely and talented Steve. I even dressed up, in my way.  And yet I neglected to take pictures, either of my outfit, or of my food.   Which goes to show that I still have a ways to go towards developing good Influencer habits.

But I have chosen my outfit for next year's Oscars.   I'm going for Carey Mulligan's dress, because it was my favorite from the New York Times' Monday a.m. recap, and I'm quite sure Carey won't want to be seen in the same frock two years in a row.

It should work well for a woman of my vintage, seeing as how it’s black and white, which, as established in an earlier post, are definitive Older Style Icon colors. 

I love the silhouette of this dress:  it has a neo-mermaid thing going for it that's quite fabulous.   Of course, it may not be possible to actually walk while wearing it, which could be a problem for a performer who expects an award.  Since nobody has asked me to write the theme song for their major motion picture, I think I can safely assume I won’t be collecting an actual Oscar until 2026 at the earliest.  Nonetheless, a Style Icon knows how to accessorize! 

Also a little concerned about the scanty coverage on the top of the dress, since I am always cold.   But I have just the thing already in my wardrobe:

Every Style Icon knows you can't go wrong with a good red cardigan.  Just ask Miucci Prada.

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