Fig revisited

My fig tree is dead, an event ripe with metaphorical significance of biblical proportions.  And in last week's blog post I posed the question:  what does it mean?

Thanks for the suggestions -- they were all wonderful.   Here are the main themes:

Sometimes loss can be the beginning of something new and wonderful.   This from my friend Liz, and it is lovely -- you can read her whole message in the comments at the end of the last blog post.   Let me just say that I am giving serious consideration to bees and chickens (but am likely to settle for peas and squash).

I apparently do not have enough puns in my life.  Suggestions for enriching my personal humor stash:  that I think FIGuratively, that I FIGure something out, and that perhaps the whole event was a FIGment of my imagination.  Thanks, guys.   I'm on it.

The fig is dead:  whatever will I wear?    Surely you are aware of World Naked Gardening Day:    True, I missed it this year (it was the first Saturday in May, which was rather chilly in Boston).   But the weather is plenty warm now.   I will save the shopping spree for the fall.

And finally, let me add one note of my own:

Embrace the empty spaces.   Turns out that the spot formerly occupied by the fig tree is exactly the right size for nothing:

As it happens, I don't mind the gap at all.