Bounty of the Season

It is the end of the harvest season, and I have been processing its bounty.

First, the apples.  Some months ago I blogged about putting pantyhose on my apples to shield them from boring insects (although pantyhose, in my experience, have done little to shield me from boring people).  I am pleased to report that it worked quite well.  Here's an unprotected apple, riddled with apple maggots and other things unpleasant:

Versus one of the apples that we'd sheathed in peds (the foot-sized items used in shoe stores to protect the goods from customers' feet):

Quite a difference!  Of course, you can only protect the apples you can reach.  (There's a metaphor in there for something -- social justice or child-rearing or maybe Ebola.  You figure it out.)

This week I pulled the last of the hosed apples off the trees, maybe a dozen.  These trees are quite old, and I have no idea what variety the apples are; they are delicious straight from the tree, but not very good keepers.  So I chopped this last batch up, put them in a pot, and made sauce.  A worthwhile horticultural venture overall, this pantyhose thing.   A handful of preventive hose:

....yielded a nice vat of sauce:

If .2 ounces of prevention yields 2.73 pounds of sauce, then a full ounce of prevention would yield 13.65 pounds of sauce -- way outperforming the prevention-to-cure ratio.  I would definitely do it again.

Next up:  tomatillos.  I bought a package of seed and raised a dozen tomatillo seedlings this year, the first time for this particular veggie in my little urban garden.  I planted six of the seedlings myself and gave the rest to my friend Linda.  I was feeling pretty good about my own haul:

Until Linda showed up with hers (she gardens in the Berkshires, in full sun):

Processing the huge combined tomatillo harvest seemed like the ideal project for Halloween night.  It's hard to do much on Halloween, I reasoned, because you constantly have to stop what you're doing to answer the door.   And I was prepared to answer the door a lot.   The number of trick or treaters varies quite a bit from year to year, but I always buy a lot of candy, just in case.  Because one year I ran out.  And I vowed right then and there that as God was my witness, I would never deprive the neighborhood kids of processed sugar again.

Chop, roast, puree; chop, roast, puree:  processing the tomatillos turned out to be a 3 1/2 hour project.

In the end I got two huge bowls, destined for ziploc bags in my freezer, and Linda's:

Come on over!   We're having enchiladas verdes.  

One package of seeds yields yielded more salsa verde than two households could possibly use in a season:   another good horticultural deal.  

My investment in candy, however, was less successful:   three 50-piece bags yielded maybe 20 trick-or-treaters.   I ended the night with roughly the same volume of leftover candy as I had salsa verde:

But no problem!   I know exactly what to do with the season's excess bounty.  The only question:  oven?

Or pressure cooker?





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